Saturday, January 9, 2016


During this week I have had Winterim at my school. It's a week of focusing one one subject for the whole week. I am in Zumba and Yoga. We have time to work out hard and get ripped! ( haha not really) and also to rest and focus on God's Word. It's been really nice to have a little more down time this week despite not feeling 100%, but I have also never felt better. Working out and taking some time to just stop and dwell on the important things, God new exactly what I wanted and needed! 
It seems like it's been a week of that:noticing how God is really present in my life. I see Him working and answering prayer more then ever and it gives me so much peace and comfort.
At my school, I have a few friends that deal with mental illness and depression. It seems like a big problem in our school as I bet with many others. We regularly have people come to speak and lead chapel at school, and my friends and I really wanted someone to talk about how to deal with and get through depression in a Godly way. Well the NEXT day that prayer was answered! We had a woman named Kristen Anderson speak to our school for an hour. She had delt with serious depression after being raped and the loss of four of her closet friends. After losing both her legs to attempted suicide, she gave her life fully to Christ. So much of what she talked about related to me. Some of it scared me, and some of it comforted me and reminded me that I wasn't alone. God was really listening to my needs this week, as always. Sometimes I just don't see it.  
I do deal with the days when I wonder if God is really paying attention to me, considering all that is going on in the world: shootings, fires, unorganized and unstable government, wars. Why would God pay any attention to small, insignificant me? Well the fact of the matter is He does. He cares about me just as much as the rest of the world including you. I read this Psalm today and is really gave me comfort and reminded me that God has everything under control. He provides and protects me and you everyday!
God's blessings and peace to you!

Kristen Anderson's book: Life, in Spite of Me

Psalm 27

Of David.

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?
When the wicked advance against me
    to devour[a] me,
it is my enemies and my foes
    who will stumble and fall.
Though an army besiege me,
    my heart will not fear;
though war break out against me,
    even then I will be confident.
One thing I ask from the Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
    and to seek him in his temple.
For in the day of trouble
    he will keep me safe in his dwelling;
he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent
    and set me high upon a rock.
Then my head will be exalted
    above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
    I will sing and make music to the Lord.
Hear my voice when I call, Lord;
    be merciful to me and answer me.
My heart says of you, “Seek his face!”
    Your face, Lord, I will seek.
Do not hide your face from me,
    do not turn your servant away in anger;
    you have been my helper.
Do not reject me or forsake me,
    God my Savior.
10 Though my father and mother forsake me,
    the Lord will receive me.
11 Teach me your way, Lord;
    lead me in a straight path
    because of my oppressors.
12 Do not turn me over to the desire of my foes,
    for false witnesses rise up against me,
    spouting malicious accusations.
13 I remain confident of this:
    I will see the goodness of the Lord
    in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
    be strong and take heart
    and wait for the Lord.

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