Saturday, January 2, 2016

Contentment with One Thing

You can't seem to find contentment now a days. It's so hard with all the stuff you can get. The world tells us that what we have is never enough. We need to get more and better things. THEN we will be happy. 
Well that's one of the biggest lies we hear today. Some of the wealthiest people I know have the crappiest lives. A marriage is falling apart, troubled kids, and the biggest problem: no faith. They are losing out on the One thing that can fill that empty space in their hearts. The reason those earthly things don't fill that void is because it's shaped like a cross. 
Jesus is ALL we need. If we are living on the street, but have Him, we are the richest of all. We have the promise of eternal life with Christ. Believing in Christ doesn't mean life is going to be easy. In fact it's going to be very hard. In the world today Christians are getting attacked more and more every day. Jesus tells us that because of Him we will be hated and scorned more: "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved." Matthew 10:22.
Being a Christian doesn't fit into the world. But we need to look to the promise that God made to us in the beginning, and be content with His Son: Jesus Christ!

Thanks for over 1,000 views!
Melody :)

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