Sunday, September 27, 2015

Life is a Gift

For the past couple of days my family and I have been anticipating the arrival of my sister's baby boy, Peter! It's been an exciting journey as she and her husband prepare for parenthood. I have experienced other family members having children, but a sibling having a baby, this is the first. I remember the first time I felt little Peter move around inside my sister's womb. I almost started to cry. The thoughts in my head were thoughts of wonder and awe at the miracle of  life that God has created and given us. HE created Peter inside my sister. HE has chosen to bring another child into this world and my sister and husband get to "raise the child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6) Peter has been growing slowly, by the grace of God to be ready to be a part of this world. The gift of life is so immeasurable and I can't bear to hear those gruesome stories of those who do not cherish it. To think that what comes into this world after nine months isn't how it started! I can't comprehend. But just as our life already on this earth isn't ours to take, an unborn with no say is just as wrong. So cherish those little ones around you. Look at them as masterpieces of God as it says in the song: You are a masterpiece, a new creation HE has formed, and your as soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn, and I'm so glad that God has given you, to me. Little lamb from God, you are a masterpiece! That is also the way God, our Heavenly Father looks at us. Beautifully, created in HIS image, to the glory of the Father in Heaven. You are a masterpiece. Live as one and boast in your Heavenly Father, your Creator!

Your Sister in Christ :)
Melody :)

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