Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Journal

So today I decided to write what has been going on in my life, how it's affecting me and what I'm doing about it.
I don't typically want to get personal online, but this idea popped into my head and it just might be what God wants me to write today.

Lately I have been really stressed out about school. It seems like I have homework in at least three of my classes every night and I'm not really used to that much extra work on top of fitting in family, friends and down time. In fact last week I had a little anxiety attack at school (if I mentioned that in an earlier post, sorry). I was so stressed out and I felt like I was failing at everything. On top of that, that boy I mentioned in my crush post.Yeah well, I still like him and I have been letting him make or break my day depending on if he talks to me or not. That's really bad and I can't let that happen. Relying on something like that will just leave me in a dark pit. I need to let Jesus fill those voids. I need to go to him when I feel like I just can't do it or when I need someones love and affection. Because I know that God always loves me and thinks I am an amazing person. I don't need that from anyone else. Remembering that is the only thing that will help me. The past couple of days in my theology class at school, the Lord has been speaking to me so much. We have been reading from Philippians and it has been talking about comfort and letting Christ work through us. Also, in Chapel on Tuesday, the pastor talked about that when we are going through hard times, that's when He strengthens our faith the most. He also is testing on if we will turn to Him or if we will try and fix our problems on our own. He has been talking me through what has been going on in my life good and bad, and I have felt His presence even more then ever! I know the Holy Spirit is working in my heart big time, and I can't wait to see where it takes me!

Blessing on your weekend! In HIS love,
Melody :)

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