Wednesday, September 30, 2015

He Never Fails

Lately Satan has been really getting into my mind. Letting me think that my life has just gone down hill and there is nothing I can do to make it better. Satan tells me that Jesus isn't really here and that if I have any hope of getting better, I have to work through it on my own. Satan has taken some people away from me who I have really needed to talk to, but I can't. But all those things, they are lies. Every single one of them. I admit, I put on a face at school to make sure that no one really sees how stressed I am. I feel like I can't allow anyone else to be stressed, but I hide all of mine inside and just wait for it to burst. I need to let all of that out. I need to talk to God and ask Him to relieve me of this, and in time I know He will. But for right now, He is allowing it to shape me and to strengthen me. Just last night, as I was lying down to go to sleep, I told myself that I didn't really need to pray. That it wasn't really necessary. Well prayer is EXACTLY what I needed. My stress my anger, and my sadness is not going to go away on it's own. If I let it be it's just going to grow until it breaks me. But God never fails to be by our side and give us what we need. He answered my thought of prayer in our Theology class this morning with a devotion on the importance of prayer and how it brings us directly to our Saviour. To the Creator of the world. To MY creator! How could I say no to placing all my troubles on Him? He CAN take care of them. Why I am I causing myself to go through it when help is right next to me? God is just calling out to me "Come to me!" As it says in Matthew 11:28-30: Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest. For My burden is light and my yoke is easy". 

Thank you for all your support through this blog!
Melody :)

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