Monday, August 31, 2015

Oh Those Silly Boys!

So as you might be able to tell by the title, this post is gonna be all about boys. Liking them, dating them and yes...marrying them. Now I have never actually been in a relationship before (pretty proud of that for the most part) but I have had my fair share of crushes. Sadly to say, at most points in my life from about age 13-now, there has been some boy on my mind. Now I say sadly because I don't really need to be focused on finding "Mr. Perfect". God (hopefully) already has him picked out for me. I do need to keep my eyes open though. I don't want to hate on every guy that comes my way. It's really good to have friends that are guys. One of my BEST friends is a guy. I tell him everything and I have been really blessed by God to have a friend like him in my life. But it's when we obsess over a guy, or just get really attached that we run into problems. I, myself I have just had this happen to me just the other week. I really liked a guy from school who treated my super well and who I thought (after getting to know him for a while) that he was a lot of what I wanted in my "Mr. Perfect". I got very attached and tried to take matters in my own hands. I tried to get him to like me and want to date me. But why did I if God already has someone in mind? I shouldn't have to try. Plus, something I heard from a book I read called Crushed by Jesse Minassian ( gotta read it!) a girl should let the guy pursue her. Not the other way around. You are worth so much and a guy should have to prove that he is worth your time and eventually your promise as a wife...FOR LIFE! (I will talk about marriage more tomorrow). Anyways, when I finally realized that I was annoying this guy and that he didn't like me like that, my heart was broken. I let my emotions go too far and got hurt and that was my own fault. Ladies, PLEASE be careful when you start to like a guy. Don't get too emotionally involved and get your heart broken like I did. You're worth more than that! Be patient and God will have your "Mr. Perfect" come at the most perfect moment when you're probably not even suspecting it! <3
Blessings to all, Melody :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's My Purpose?

So like I said yesterday, today I will talk about the purpose that God has for us. Have you ever thought "why am I here? What is my purpose in life?" Well from a Biblical perspective that's simple: to share the saving message of the Gospel to those in need of it. Now if you're like me, you might be like: What!?!? I can't do that. I am super quite, shy and there is no way I am going to get rejected by talking to someone cos' I'm a Christian. Well luckily, God have blessed us with different ways of fulfilling His purpose. For me it's standing out in the crowd by making different choices not in accordance with the world but with the will of Christ. I still struggle with this however, I mean come on, I'm a sinner. Not saying that gives me an excuse to fail because  I have the choice to make the right decision or not. I have to constantly ask God to help me make the right choices. Because without Christ at the center of my life, my everything, I WILL fail. It is not what I do that reaches out to people and touches their heart, it is what the Spirit does through me. So hopefully that takes a weight off your shoulders :) So make it your goal, everyday to do your best to fulfill God's purpose. We will fail, we will endure prosecution, of every kind. But that's the least we can do for someone who hung on a cross for our sin-filled love and devotion. 
Your sister in Christ, Melody :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Getting started!

Good evening everyone! So I thought I posted this on my first day, but I didn't. So here is what was supposed to be my first post. Oops!
 As a young woman, living in this world full of expectations on who to be and what to look like and who to date, it's really gets to me sometimes. Those ideas are just pounded in my head and sometimes I do believe I'm not good enough. I mean look at me! I haven't even had my first boyfriend. I must be weird and ugly, right? NO! Christ tells us in His word that we are made in HIS image. Created for His work in this wonderful ( though infested with sin) world of His. We are fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:17). Please don't forget that. If you're a guy or a girl, know that you are one-of-a-kind, beautiful/handsome and made for a purpose ( I will talk about that whole purpose thing tomorrow). So live with the confidence of being Christ's child, made in His most beautiful and perfect image. Hope you have been blessed through this  post today!
In HIS love, Melody :)