Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Most Highly Favored Lady!

Besides the most obvious thing to dwell on during Christmas time ( Jesus birth and His purpose for coming) I also really like to think about Mary and everything she went through. I can only imagine! It would be as if an Angel came to me today and said that the Holy Spirit conceived a baby inside me. Besides that, that baby would be the Savior of the world! Mary was an ordinary girl just like me, but all at once she became the mother of our Lord. Now Mary didn't think so at the time, but God knew what He was doing when He picked Mary. We can see that in Luke chapter 1: 35-38, Mary had questions, but she didn't doubt God's will. I mean who wouldn't ask how they got pregnant and still be a virgin? But Mary offered herself to  God's plan and trusted in it. Not very many people do that, back then or now. 
I think the most beautiful passage in the WHOLE Bible though, would be what Mary sang to Elizabeth when she cam to visit: 46 And Mary said:
“My soul glorifies the Lord
47     and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
48 for he has been mindful
    of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me blessed,
49     for the Mighty One has done great things for me—
    holy is his name.
50 His mercy extends to those who fear him,
    from generation to generation.
51 He has performed mighty deeds with his arm;
    he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts.
52 He has brought down rulers from their thrones
    but has lifted up the humble.
53 He has filled the hungry with good things
    but has sent the rich away empty.
54 He has helped his servant Israel,
    remembering to be merciful
55 to Abraham and his descendants forever,
    just as he promised our ancestors.”
56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for about three months and then returned home.
Lets just go through some of this real quick!
Mary glorifies the Lord, she is thankful for this gift. She doesn't worry that her family and friends would probably estrange her. She rejoices that the Spirit has come over her. She humbles herself before God and thanks God for thinking of her, for giving her this privilege. She doesn't say "Oh look at me, I'm the mother of the Messiah". No! She can't believe that God found favor in her. I wish everyone could be that humble. She praises Him endlessly for how great and mighty He is, she says "The Mighty One has done great things for me". She found favor in God's eyes because she feared Him (verse 50). She lists off all that God does to help His servant Israel (54): to bring down those who are exalted by those of the world, to provide for those who hunger and thirst, and to remember to be merciful. Mary remembers God's promise and how He never fails to keep them. 
Mary gives us a very good lesson: trust in the Lord always, keep in His Word and in prayer. Remember His promises!

Merry CHRISTmas! 
Melody :)

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Frightened and Scared in the Midst of Hope

Ones life is a very precious thing. Given to us by God to fulfill a purpose. We are beautiful in His eyes. We are worth more than gold. So why tell someone that they are worthless and ugly. That they are not needed in the world? Who would do that? 

The sad reality is, yes. People say things like that and worse to other people. They are so engulfed in themselves, they don't even realize what they are saying. But those words eat away at the victim. Those words are Satan lies. Satan wants us to believe we are not capable of being loved by God. That we are horrible sinners. DON'T BELIEVE HIM! We are saved sinners, by the grace of God we have the opportunity to spend eternity with Christ in Paradise. 
For some those lies have taken their toll and some cases have taken their life. They believe those lies. Their mind is not in the right place and they sincerely believe that they are worthless and unlovable. For those of us to whom those lies are easily thrown away, we need to lift each other up.  We need to be aware of those who do struggle to believe the lies or not. They are alone. We need to be a part of their lives and remind them Who made them and Who created them before it's too late. 
Having two friends who were sucked into believing those lies that they decided to attempt to end the hurt, (both unsuccessful thank God!) the worry will always be in mind weather they will try again. But I can't have that rest on my shoulders. That's what Jesus came to do. He became a baby in order to only end His life in the most painful way imaginable because He wanted to bear our loads and sins. To take care of them COMPLETELY. That's what Christmas is about: Jesus here for us.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hard Work

Acts 20:35 "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

When it comes to working now a days, it seems like some people always look for the easy way out. They don't want to work hard, but yet they still want the benefits of the hard work. Well, God tells us here in Acts that working hard is a way to show Jesus we love and care about Him. He has given us all gifts to use to and for His glory. When we don't do our best, we are wasting away the gifts given to us. It would be as if a dear friend gave a a gift, but we decided not to use it because it was too time consuming, or hard to use. Using our God-given gifts to the best of our ability is what we ought to always do. 
I have been struggling with this lately. Mostly when it comes to school work. I want to honor my teachers, not waste their time and do well in their class. But when I decide to do other, less important things other then homework, I suffer the consequences and I put myself down. I have told myself that I am stupid and that none of my teachers like me because I have a bad work ethic. Well, that fact-of-the-matter is, it really doesn't matter what the letter on the top of my test or assignment says. Yes it is nice of course to get that B or A. But the reality is that all the Lord cares about is that you are putting all you have into your work. In school grade cases, if that's a C or B, that's good enough for Him. In non-school cases, be proud of the work you do with all you have. Thank God for giving you those gifts and that time. You will feel much better when you do!

Melody :)

Sunday, December 6, 2015

You're Worth It!

So I recently found a little devotional in a drawer in my bathroom , yeah you heard me, bathroom. Well, anyways, I was just reading a few of the devotionals and they talked about worth, going through hard times and the way God uses us.  
Have you ever felt that you weren't worth much? It seems like everyone looks down at you, thinks you're a nerd or a goodie-goodie? Well who cares what others think! The fact of the matter is that God, the Creator of the Universe, created YOU! He WANTED you and He has a plan for you. It says in Matthew 10: 29-28 that God knows the number of hairs on our head. That's a lot of care and love for us. That means a lot more then what anyone else can say about us! So next time someone says something against you, or judges you, remind them that you are loved and cared for and thought of as AMAZING by Jesus, God. That will get them thinking. 
When God made a plan for each and everyone of us, He didn't plan for us to go through hard times. HE wants the best for us, and despite those hard things that WILL happen to us, He will use them to shape us in who He wants us to be. He strengthens you and your faith to be a display of His power in your life. People will see the strength and ask "how you could possible handle it" All you have to say is:" I'm not, God is. I'm just following His lead." 
No matter what you think, you are a beautiful creation of God. Made for a purpose. You are worth Christ's dying on a cross. Don't forget it! Preach it!!

Have a great start to the week!
Melody :)

Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Talk

So, I know this subject can be weird and awkward, but I feel like it's not talked about enough from a Biblical standpoint: sex. Specifically holy sexuality. In our world, sex is looked at as something to do when we are board, if we feel an immediate attraction to someone, of if we are truly in love. It doesn't matter if we are married or not, the same gender or not, or if we barley even know the person. 
Now I'm not saying that sex is a bad thing. Trust me it's not! God created sex, but there's a catch: He made it specifically for a married man and woman. And guess what? That is the BEST way to enjoy that gift God has made! But since I am not married (yet), the thoughts about sex are a little different for me. For me, and a lot of you out there, the struggle about sex right now is if it is worth waiting until marriage. So many teens have already done it, why not us? Well I know a few people who lost their virginity before marriage. It hurt. It didn't feel good. They felt empty and wasted. I have always thought of my virginity as the one last pure thing I have left that God gave me. The rest of me is dirty with sin (but made clean again by Jesus death). I want to save that last clean thing I have for the ONE man God has picked out for me. I want to fulfill that clean gift the right way. Not just throw it away to any guy that wants it. 
I will admit, I have wondered what it would be like to do it, other then the only way I have been taught. You know sometimes it sounds good. Especially when I haven't had a boyfriend yet, I am really looking forward to the guy who loves me and thinks that who I am as my own self is an amazing person. If's it's hard now, I can't imagine when I do have that guy in my life. The temptation is going to be hard! Talk and pray about it. Focus on the the beauty and joy it will bring you when you know you have done it the way God intended it to be. Weather you are in a relationship right now or not, think about what God says about sexuality. Are you thinking that way? And if you have already lost that gift to someone, YOU ARE FORGIVEN by GOD. Your heavenly Father, who loves you and wants the best for you. Don't think you're not worth more than one night with some random guy (or girl), or even someone special you're not married to. You were forgiven as soon as your mind made the decision. Start new! Repent and begin to live life as a child of God once again. Because you can never loose THAT gift!

God's blessings to you as we start this season of Advent, preparing for the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ the Messiah!
Melody :)

Saturday, November 28, 2015


In the news now-a-days, the things we hear can really scare us: murders, kidnappings, viruses, diseases, job losses, accidents etc. We start thinking about those things and worry if they will ever happen to us. We forget that God isn't just looking down from above and watching us here on earth as if it were a Broadway show. God is right here with us. He is right next to me and right next to you as you read this. God didn't make you and then say "alright, I got you started, now you're on your own!" He wants to point us in the direction, the path He has made for you. When you're scared, weather you don't know if you or a loved one will be here on earth tomorrow, or if you're home alone and you hear a strange noise, God is there to give you peace and comfort, and joy while He's at it :).
Genesis 50:21 "So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.” Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them. Ruth 2:13 "Then she said, “I have found favor in your eyes, my Lord, for you have comforted me and spoken kindly to your servant, though I am not one of your servants.”
The scriptures very often speak about peace and comfort. I think God really wants us to know He is here, there and everywhere! In the Ruth passage, she calls herself "not one of God's servants". She acknowledges her sinfulness and recognizes that despite that, God goes out of His way to comfort her and keep her safe. Jesus' death on the cross was His protecting us from sin, death and the devil. That is the ONLY thing we really need to be afraid of. But that's over now. Jesus, His Father in heaven and the Spirit, have defeated that and now we can live in Their peace until They call us to our eternal Home.

Have a blessed Lord's Day!
Melody :)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

So Very Thankful!

SO I just have to express how so, very thankful I am to be a part of the family God has placed me in! I have missed spending time with them and this weekend has been so fun. Something that I can share, that I know not everyone can, is that my family shares the same faith. We are not only a family here on earth, but we are family in a spiritual way too. Not to mention the craziness that goes on when we are together ( my little cousins and my big brother are wrestling on the floor being obnoxiously loud) But that's what makes this time so great. My house is dead silent most of the time, so my loud extended family makes me laugh and smile because I don't get all that craziness at home. I love them because they are so different in and of themselves. 
I have to tell a quick story. It will probably embarrass some people, but what the hey! My cousin had the idea to have the family right what they are thankful for on a Popsicle stick and then she would read them out loud ( Erin is 9 by the way) SO my new sister-in-law had the hilarious idea to right that she was thankful for intercourse ( I mean what new married person wouldn't be) But Erin read it as insurance and the whole family broke out in laughter once we told them what is supposed to say. That is for sure a memory that I will NEVER forget! But it's those little, funny moments that make me so thankful for my family, They put I smile on my face and make me laugh. Even though we are so different, God placed us together because we all need each other and fit together perfectly. We have our moments, but what family doesn't? The most important thing is that we all have the most important thing in common: believing in Jesus Christ as our Savior and sharing that faith with each other. 
So as my cousins bite and pumble each other at thhis very moment. I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving and Holiday season as we prepare for the coming of Christ OUR Savior. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Now Thank We All Our God

Thanksgiving is one of my very favorite times of the year. We have cemented traditions for Thanksgiving in my family and I can never wait for the time I get to spend with my extended family. So, obviously that is something I am thankful for. But what is true thankfulness? What does that mean? When you're looking on the outside it's pretty simple: you are given something, you enjoy someone or something and you're thankful for it. But for us as Christians, Thanksgiving is SO MUCH MORE! It goes deeper then thanking our friends and family members for things. We have a God who has given us ALL things. We can't possibly thank Him enough! Before He even created the world God knew that He would have to give up His Son's life for us. How can we possibly thank Him for that except with our lives? We need to thank God for the blessings He pours on us each and everyday. Because weather you notice it or not, He has blessed you today. Did you wake up? Did you see when you woke up? Do you have a bed to sleep in? We don't think about those little things enough and that's when we get discontented. Christ has given us every one of those things. We praise Him in our worship and in our studying of His Word to thank and praise Him for all He has done. But that still couldn't be enough for what He did. Thankfully, He took care of that. By Jesus' death on the cross, there is nothing for us to do but to proclaim Him as our Savior and live to only honor and praise Him. How easy is that?! I love going to Church, I love helping my friends who are in need. I don't do it all the time because sin is the true me. But when I have the Spirit of Christ living in my heart, those things feel wonderful to do and THAT"S how we give thanks to God.

Hymn Now Thank We All Our God by Martin Rinkhart
1 Now thank we all our God
with heart and hands and voices,
who wondrous things has done,
in whom His world rejoices;
who from our mothers' arms
has blessed us on our way
with countless gifts of love,
and still is ours today.

3 All praise and thanks to God
the Father now be given,
the Son and Spirit blest,
who reign in highest heaven
the one eternal God,
whom heaven and earth adore;
for thus it was, is now,
and shall be evermore. 

Monday, November 23, 2015

Dependant On HIM

You know when you were younger and you would think about the day when you got your drivers license and never thought it could actually happen? Well I had those days and now I DO have my license. It's really great and I have love the independence it gives me. If I want chocolate, I can go get me some chocolate! Whenever I want. It's really awesome :)

Dependence is something that everyone wants in their life. It's something that we look forward to ever since we were little kids. But when we get closer and closer to being those independent adults, we realize life isn't as easy as it seems. It's hard and a little scary at times. We soon notice that being independent isn't as fun as we thought. We really can't do everything on our own. We will still call our moms or dads needing to hear their voice. We will always ask for money from our parents (I mean lets be real here). When you think about it, we can't live without other people. Even when we are to that independent age, we look for that other person to be with through life. Have you ever thought about that? 
 God has created us to be dependent beings. We can't live COMPLETELY on our own because we need our Father, God. He is there for us through prayer and His Word to help guide us through life. Yes, our earthly parents will help provide for those earthly needs, but our Heavenly Father is there to provide us with Salvation! He wants us to come Home for that big family meal, and yes! He wants us to live at home with Him ( now that will be nice;) Don't be afraid to be a little dependent, especially on your Heavenly Father. He wants you to stay close to Him!

Your sister in Christ
Melody :)

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Sometimes honesty can be a really hard thing to do. It can easily hurt someone. It's hard to be tactful but yet it is something that needs to be done. We are surrounded with lies in this world, and I think it's about time we have people step up and be honest. 

There is one big problem with honesty though,one that I need to address. It's something that I am dealing with right now. When I said that honesty can hurt someone? Yeah, well it has hurt one of my very best friends. She was told that sharing her struggles publicly was a selfish thing. I can see why that might look that way. But if you are honest with somebody about something, you really need to understand where they are coming from. You can't assume the worst. I am not saying that we all need to agree and be happy-go-lucky friends to each other all the time. But if two people are truly friends, they need to express their honesty maturely. They need to go to that person and say that it hurt them or it was offensive to them. But by no means do they need to shoot them down. Who knows? Maybe that will cause the other to say hurtful things right back if that's what they call honesty. This is SO easy to do, and it's so hard to overcome. But when you need to be honest with someone about how you feel, know their side of the story. Say it tactfully, and be loving in doing it. Because most of time, you're not looking to end a friendship. Heck, you wanna fix it and help them understand how you feel. SO next time you are about to be honest with someone, pray and ask God to help you say it in a way that is pleasing to Him and that will honor Him. That's how I try to start all my posts. Sometimes I don't remember to do so. But when I ask God to speak to you all through me, I know that He will. 

Love and Blessings to you this Thanksgiving!
Melody :)

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Catching Up

So to catch you all up on what has been happening in my life lately:

I only had a three-day school week last week! We had a teachers conference and went to a resort/water park Thursday and Friday. The Lord new I needed a break, like a BIG break, so going to this (with friends) was just what I needed! After about forty-eight hours at the park, my friend, Emma came with me and my parents to my Uncle and Great Uncle's houses. We have been ALL over the state this weekend! The time I had to relax and kinda forget about life was amazing. After breaking out in tears during chapel on Tuesday because of being so overwhelmed, God said "I'll take care of you. You got this!" Why did I ever doubt Him?

Being with my family and one of my very best friends this weekend, I realized just how blessed I am. It gave me peace of mind, that whenever I am having a rough day, I have people who are going to be there for me 100% of the time. God placed them in my life, and I in theirs because we need each other. We will bless each other, and we will want each other in the good times and the bad. Looking in the dark sky tonight, with the shimmering stars and listening to calming music, made me feel close to God. I was admiring HIS creation. What HE put in place because He knew that I would admire it tonight. Did you catch that? He knew that I would admire it. He made it for me and you. God has formed us in the womb by HIS OWN hands. He wants us here. He love us and He wants the love right back. 

Having the time to notice what He has done for me this weekend has strengthened my love for Him. Not because He gave me what I wanted, but He proved Himself to me even more. He doesn't want me to forget that, and He doesn't want you to either. Christ died to prove Himself, His love for us. Just look around you and you'll see.

God blessings to you this night!
Mel :)

Friday, November 6, 2015

Life is Crazy!

I apologize for not posting in forever! Life has been insane and I have been dealing with some pretty serious stress. It has caused some light depression to come on and I haven't really wanted to post because I felt like there was nothing good to share. But whose life is all good all the time? No ones is! 

Life is filled with ups and downs and today is gonna be a day when I share some of those downs. With school (overload of homework) and being in my high schools fall play and dealing with personal/ relationship problems, it's been an overload. There have been a few days when I told myself that it was too much and I couldn't handle it. Well thats just it, I can't handle it, only God can help me. 

Things have finally been slowing down now that the play is this weekend. All this past week I have been up till 11pm or later doing last minute homework. It's not been like me to put aside homework till the day it is due, but I have been doing that ALL week and that creates even more stress for me. Luckily, some of my friends are going through the same things. I haven't been alone in this struggle and I know that is God working in my life. 

I have so many blessings through all these struggles and it has strengthened my trust in the Lord. That doesn't mean that I think that everything is alright all the time, because it's not. Not at all. I have times where I need to cry and the tears don't come. There are times when I feel completely alone, there are times when I just want to be done with life. 

The good thing is, those things, those feelings don't last forever. God is always with me, He knows my thoughts and understands and won't let me down. 

Hope all of you have a great weekend!
Melody :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Living it Out

This is a paper I had to write for English earlier this year and I wanted to share it with you tonight. It is something that has now changed my life.
Giving My Life to Christ
The story I am about to tell is of the time I gave my life fully to Christ. It happened on my confirmation day on May 19th 2012.
    After a day of celebration, laughs, happy tears, and catching up with family and friends, I went into my room to be by myself for a little while. I was given a book of encouraging words, stories and advice written by friends and family as a gift from my parents. I started to read all of the amazing things written to me as I listened to an uplifting album by Britt Nicole (a Christian song writer). I remember that the note I was reading was from my sister. It was saying that I was so, incredibly blessed to have the family and friends that I did. That all of them have, in some way or another, helped me learn more about Christ and His love for me. I thought to myself at that point “oh my gosh! God has given me all of these blessings in my life. He loves me SO much that He gave me life, He created me with His hands in my mother’s womb. He wanted me on His earth to learn about and to love him and teach others about His unfailing love.” Then I heard the song that was playing in the background. It was talking about the glory of the Father and His love for us even though we are sinners. Tears started falling like a waterfall out of my eyes. I was overwhelmed with Christ’s love. I felt Him right there with me. At this moment, the words of the song sang “how many years did You plan this moment here, to show me how you love me?” I wanted then, to live my life fully for Christ as best I could, despite being a sinner, to thank Him for all He had done for me and given me.
    I thought that I would act differently right away after that, that somehow I would magically change into a different person. But it took a long time. It has only been in the last year and a half that I have really felt the Lord working in my heart and strengthening my faith. But it was worth the wait and I hope to never lose this faith that was given me at my baptism.
    I hope this story has blessed those who read it. I want this story to be a witness to the power of the Lord and what He is capable of.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

His Creation

I love Fall so much! It's the season for over-sized sweaters, Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks, tights, boots, dark nails and lips and a beautiful landscape. I think God has fun with this time of year. He shows us His handiwork and reminds us that He is the creator of this world.  I am reminded of this each and every time I go outside! I don't have to look for His work, it's right there in front of me, for me to enjoy and to give praise to my God! If He takes to time to make our surroundings beautiful, I know I can trust Him to take care of my day-to-day problems and plans. That's the kind of God we have! One who cares for those little things, not just our big problems or our big plans, but those little things. Giving a little, unexpected time to get those things done I didn't think I would have enough time for. Boosting my self-esteem by a few complements from random people at school, a sunny day with no cloud in sight :) etc. Our God cares about us so, very much and He wants to show us in every little way He can. He says "hey look guys! I'm right here, look what I did for you today! Just what you needed. Don't worry about a thing!" My Grandma has a little piece of paper on her bathroom mirror that says "Good Morning, this is God. Don't worry about anything today. I don't need your help, I have everything under control." I think that's a really good daily reminder, sometimes (more times than others) it's what we need. Thank God for all of His little blessings He gives you. It's just His way of telling you how much He loves you!

Sorry for not posting in a while! I have been really busy with school and catching up on life. :) It's good to be back!

Melody :)

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Take a Little Time

Sometimes it's hard to find the blessings of this life in all he stuff that goes on weather good or bad. In all the business  of the day we can hardly set aside a second for a breath let alone some time to think about the little things that go in a 24 hour day. But when we have those super full, stress-filled day, we need to take a couple minutes and think about those little ways the Lord never fails to provide for us. I mean, come on, Jesus died on the cross and spent His whole life healing and witnessing for others. Nothing He did was for Himself. The least we can do is thank Him for our daily bread that He never fails to give. I know that when I think of just three blessings a day, my perspective changes, I am not as selfish, I am more positive and have a different outlook on how my day really was. Even if I had a so-called horrible day, when I think about those few blessings, my day doesn't look so bad. God is always there and never doesn't know what we need in a day. All we need to do is take a little time to thank Him for it.

Monday, October 12, 2015

My Happy Place :)

With all of the stress, excitement, hurt and loss, there is something that I always go to (besides prayer) and that thing is music. I have loved music ever since I can remember. I love to sing, play flute, play around on the piano and perform. Music makes me feel safe, calm and relaxed. I listen to it constantly. Music is my happy place! David in the Bible was known for his musical ability to sing as he did for King Herod, and God has always praised His creation of music as a beautiful thing used to praise Him. 

I enjoy a whole bunch of different kinds of music from old hymns to Eminem (rap). But there is definitely a difference in how I feel depending on what kind of music I listen to.  When I listen to rap or just overall pop music, I enjoy it and I'm happy but at the same time it makes me feel sick and if I listen to too much it takes it toll. When I listen to Christ-honoring music, I feel a sense of cleanliness and safeness. When I listen to good music like that I know I am doing something right. It makes me feel closer to God and He really speaks to me through it. It reminds me that He is really RIGHT there with me. 

Music is a gift from God. He created it for the purpose of worshiping Him. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with listening to pop, but I have to be honest. When I listen to pop, or to really any kind of music, it effects my attitude and personality. If I listen to too much inappropriate, swearing music, I am going to find myself thinking about those things and saying those things more. Trust me, this happens to me all the time and then I know it's time to take a break from that stuff and listen to some quality music for a while and kind of cleanse my mind. Know how to listen to music. Pay attention to what your listening to so that you can reflect a Godly personality.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hard To Gain, Easy to Break

I think a very large problem in our world today is trust. People lie left and right. Weather it's a white-lie or a big one, lying is an everyday occurrence. Just look at social media; celebrities lying to each other and to their fans, media reporters lying about celebrities, shows like Pretty Little Liars (have to admit I binge watch that show though :/). Lying is everywhere and we are told to think of it as normal, and something you gotta do when the circumstances call for it. Well, I have had my fare share of lies being told TO me, and I telling them. As a teenager, lying is how we talk to our parents too many times. Saying we are going to be place A when we are really going to a party or hooking up with someone or just not really going to place A. I remember multiple instances when I lied to my parents and how horrible I felt and how much I hurt them. I can't imagine my own child not telling me the truth even if that truth will hurt a little. When a lie is told, it will just lead to bigger problems. In the show Pretty Little Liars, that is exactly what happens in EVERY episode. One lie builds on top of another and yet another, and sooner then you think, you have people getting hurt and friendships being broken. Every time I lied to my parents, it took a long time to gain that trust back. It's like for every time a I lied, I had to prove my trustworthiness twice or three times that much. When I have been lied to by my friends, there are some things I can't tell them anymore because they have told other things that I said not to. I don't want to have to keep things from my friends, but if they keep on telling things they shouldn't, or hiding things from me, what else can I do? Trust is SO hard to keep and SO easy to lose. But remember the consequences of lies and the blessings of truth when you are faced with which one to tell.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015


In this day and age, it seems that modesty if falling through the cracks. When I go shopping for clothes, I shouldn't have to look so hard to find shirts that don't show all the girls or pants that don't show the exact shape of my (non existent) calf muscles. Personally, I would feel very uncomfortable in most clothing offered to teen girls now-a-days. I believe that when girls dress immodestly, they are telling others that they don't respect themselves. Now that isn't always the case. Some girls are only looking for that little bit of attention that they don't receive from home. But what is really "hot" I guess you could say, is a girl who is so confident in herself, that she doesn't show her body off to the world. In 1 Timothy 2:9 it says: likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, 10 but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works. We need to focus on what people see on the inside rather then the outside. When it comes to getting attention of the opposite gender, I was told by a guy that one of the biggest things guys find attractive in a girl is their confidence. I am not just saying that. Real stuff from an actual guy! They don't really care what you wear. Obviously they are going to look at you if certain things are hanging out of your shorts that shouldn't, but that's not where they find your worth. God has created guys to be very visual beings. So we don't need to lead them into temptation! That's just torture to them. They really don't want to see that, but their sinfulness leads them to and it's so easy to do when us girls are just flaunting in front of their eyes like "here is my body, take a look but no more". We need save ourselves for our husbands, respect the guys, and most of all respect ourselves. 

In His grace,

Sunday, October 4, 2015


My Pastor, today preached on divorce. He used the passage from Mark 10, specifically verses 1-16. In this passage Jesus was being asked by the Pharisees what He thought about divorce. As my Pastor said, Jesus answered their question with another question. Jesus asked them what Moses had taught them. Well Moses didn't make the most wise choice by letting the Israelite's divorce. Jesus answers them with that same thing. That Moses was wrong to let them do that. Jesus refers back to Genesis when he says "that a man shall leaves his father and mother and be untied to his  wife and they shall become ONE flesh...what the LORD has joined together, let no man separate."  
Divorce is a very ugly thing. One of my best friends is going through it right now and the pain, and hurt, and sadness she has to go through is unimaginable. Divorce is a very selfish thing. It breaks apart families. I have heard from some divorcees that they believe the divorce will be good for the children. That's a HUGE lie. Just ask any child who has gone through it and they will tell you that it was hell (pardon the language). Children need BOTH parents in the home. They need that foundation otherwise later on in their life they won't know how to do marriage the right way. 
In Ephesians 5:23-29 Paul reminds the Ephesians of how Christ has established marriage like He and the Church: Ephesians 5:23-For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Ephesians 5:29-For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. Can you imagine one day Christ just saying "I don't feel like taking care of the world so I am going to separate Myself from them"? That is technically what divorce is. When you get married, you don't just promise to your spouse or the people at the ceremony. You promise to God. The One who defined marriage. Now that is one promise we need to keep. "Marriage is not contract or something we take lightly" (marriage litany). 
Now I can't just leave you with law law law. After all, the law is nothing without Gospel. So in the last verses of Mark 10 (13-16) Jesus reminds us that those who have committed the sins of divorce and adultery are still loved and forgiven! In fact, those people need Christ's love more then anything. For them to repent, they need to know that they are not hated, they are loved and already forgiven. They can turn their lives right around and start new. Christ's grace gives us that second chance and to do life His way the next time around. So for those of you who have made these mistakes. You're forgiven and redeemed by your Creator in Heaven! He loves you all so much. For those who are victims, hang in there. Christ has you in the palm of His hand and He will not let you fall!

Peace and love to you! Thanks for over 400 page-views. I can't believe what the Lord has done with this blog! Melody :)

Friday, October 2, 2015


In this world today it is SO hard to live a pure life and have a pure heart. Without even trying we are surrounded by inappropriate, ungodly, gross things. Music, movies and social media are a large part of that. Now don't get me wrong. There are a lot of good things that come out of those. But they get worse everyday. As a high school student I see it everyday. I am faced to be involved in inappropriate conversations and decisions. The Bible speaks to us about living a pure life countless times. Some of my favorites are Psalm 24:1-24 specifically verse 4:He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully.He will receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation. As God's children we need to stray away from what is ungodly. We need to think if God wouldn't approve of something, don't do it, say it or think it and He will bless our choice. Philippians 4:8:Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. What you have learned and received and heard and seen in me—practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you. Focus on things that are positive. Things that lift us and others up and that strengthen our faith and we will live a blessed and joyous life. Also 1 Timothy 4:12 ( this is one of my absolute favorites!):Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Stand up for your faith! Make those decisions contrary to the world. Stand out for your Saviour!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

He Never Fails

Lately Satan has been really getting into my mind. Letting me think that my life has just gone down hill and there is nothing I can do to make it better. Satan tells me that Jesus isn't really here and that if I have any hope of getting better, I have to work through it on my own. Satan has taken some people away from me who I have really needed to talk to, but I can't. But all those things, they are lies. Every single one of them. I admit, I put on a face at school to make sure that no one really sees how stressed I am. I feel like I can't allow anyone else to be stressed, but I hide all of mine inside and just wait for it to burst. I need to let all of that out. I need to talk to God and ask Him to relieve me of this, and in time I know He will. But for right now, He is allowing it to shape me and to strengthen me. Just last night, as I was lying down to go to sleep, I told myself that I didn't really need to pray. That it wasn't really necessary. Well prayer is EXACTLY what I needed. My stress my anger, and my sadness is not going to go away on it's own. If I let it be it's just going to grow until it breaks me. But God never fails to be by our side and give us what we need. He answered my thought of prayer in our Theology class this morning with a devotion on the importance of prayer and how it brings us directly to our Saviour. To the Creator of the world. To MY creator! How could I say no to placing all my troubles on Him? He CAN take care of them. Why I am I causing myself to go through it when help is right next to me? God is just calling out to me "Come to me!" As it says in Matthew 11:28-30: Come to Me all who are weary, and I will give you rest. For My burden is light and my yoke is easy". 

Thank you for all your support through this blog!
Melody :)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Life is a Gift

For the past couple of days my family and I have been anticipating the arrival of my sister's baby boy, Peter! It's been an exciting journey as she and her husband prepare for parenthood. I have experienced other family members having children, but a sibling having a baby, this is the first. I remember the first time I felt little Peter move around inside my sister's womb. I almost started to cry. The thoughts in my head were thoughts of wonder and awe at the miracle of  life that God has created and given us. HE created Peter inside my sister. HE has chosen to bring another child into this world and my sister and husband get to "raise the child in the way he should go" (Proverbs 22:6) Peter has been growing slowly, by the grace of God to be ready to be a part of this world. The gift of life is so immeasurable and I can't bear to hear those gruesome stories of those who do not cherish it. To think that what comes into this world after nine months isn't how it started! I can't comprehend. But just as our life already on this earth isn't ours to take, an unborn with no say is just as wrong. So cherish those little ones around you. Look at them as masterpieces of God as it says in the song: You are a masterpiece, a new creation HE has formed, and your as soft and fresh as a snowy winter morn, and I'm so glad that God has given you, to me. Little lamb from God, you are a masterpiece! That is also the way God, our Heavenly Father looks at us. Beautifully, created in HIS image, to the glory of the Father in Heaven. You are a masterpiece. Live as one and boast in your Heavenly Father, your Creator!

Your Sister in Christ :)
Melody :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

It's a Hard Enough Life

Life has been pretty difficult for me lately. Trying really hard to find the blessings that are hidden beneath the crap and stress and worry that has been filling most of my days as of late. I was told that my Junior year in High School was going to be hard, and I was ready for that. What I wasn't ready for was the hard stuff in my everyday life that would make life even harder. I know God is shaping me through it all, but there are some days (like today) where I just ask Him "why"? Why do I have to deal with all of this? I feel like I could just snap and give up on everything and not do my best. I can't give up on God though. He didn't give up on me, and still hasn't. I need to take one day at a time and trust that He will be with me and give me what I need for THAT day. Just as it says in the Lord's Prayer: Give us THIS day our DAILY bread. Also the part right after it: and forgive us our trespasses. I need to ask for forgiveness for those times when I didn't trust God to get me through. 
So I will ask God for my daily bread. What I need for this day. For the here and now. 

Psalm 86:17 English Standard Version (ESV)

17 Show me a sign of your favor,
    that those who hate me may see and be put to shame
    because you, Lord, have helped me and comforted me.

In His peace, Melody

Saturday, September 19, 2015


Zephaniah 3:17-20New International Version (NIV)

17 The Lord your God is with you,
    the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
    in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
    but will rejoice over you with singing.”
18 “I will remove from you
    all who mourn over the loss of your appointed festivals,
    which is a burden and reproach for you.
19 At that time I will deal
    with all who oppressed you.
I will rescue the lame;
    I will gather the exiles.
I will give them praise and honor
    in every land where they have suffered shame.
20 At that time I will gather you;
    at that time I will bring you home.
I will give you honor and praise
    among all the peoples of the earth
when I restore your fortunes[a]
    before your very eyes,”
says the Lord.
 So the reason I picked this passage is because this week, at my school, we had homecoming. It's been a great week filled with lot's of fun activities, but it got me thinking about our REAL homecoming. The one where we get to finally be in Heaven, the most beautiful, perfect place in the presence of our Saviour, FOREVER! That coming again battle that is referred to in Revelation, will be won for sure by our Lord. That is already foretold. We just have the victory over death to look forward too! In my opinion Satan should just surrender now, but it can't happen like that to really be won. When Jesus went to hell after He died, that's what He was talking to Satan about. Let me paraphrase my own version of what Jesus might have said to Satan: "So I just saved the whole world from their sins and you just kinda lost, people will come to faith in My saving grace and you're just gonna have to deal with it. When I come again to end this world, we are gonna have one LAST battle, but you're going to lose once and for all to rid my children of your disgusting lies. Soon everyone in Heaven and on earth will know that I AM TRUTH and you are a lie." So that's probably not at ALL what He said but I like to think it's around those lines. Anyway, I hope this excited you a little for the day to remember that this world is not our home, but Heaven is our forever home!

"This is my temporary home
It's not where I belong
Windows in rooms that I'm passin' through
This is just a stop, on the way to where I'm going
I'm not afraid because I know this is my
Temporary home."  -Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood
Your Sister in Christ- Melody :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Christ-Given Energy

So today started out well, but there were a few homework items I didn't get done, felt sick during school and was extremely tired when I got home from school. I didn't want to do anything. I feel like this happens to me a lot. I feel lazy and I kinda feel bad about it. God's Word tells us not to be lazy but to do everything for the glory of God. Well I wasn't really doing that. I also wasn't allowing God to BE the energy I needed. He is the one who I need to help give me the motivation to get my homework done, among other things.I need to do my homework for Him. I can't look at my day expecting to do things to please others. I do my everyday tasks to please and bring glory to God. My vocation in life right now is to be a daughter, student, sister and friend. I need to do my very best at those things because that is what the Lord expects of me. He knows I can't get it perfect, but He does know that I can make the decision to do my very best for HIM. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


So I have a story to tell you all today. Yes, it is very true.

On my way home from school today, my Mom and I were not even five minutes out of the school parking lot and our car just shuts down. We have to pull over in a turn lane to make us even remotely safe. Neither of  us panicked, I was just very POed if you catch my drift. I remember my thoughts were this: "I can't believe this HAD to happen today of all days. I have too much homework. I don't have time for this inconvenience." I was very inpatient with my mom and was wondering why the tow truck wouldn't get to us any faster. I didn't have ANY patience whatsoever!

Well, that was my lesson for learning patience today. There were, in fact, many blessings in the incident. We didn't have any extra people in the car, we didn't get hurt and to my greatest relief, the tow driver wasn't a sketchy man. Phewwww! So I thank God for teaching me the lesson of patience today and I hope this inspires you to also work on your patience skills :)

Thank you for 85 views! I know the Lord is really working through this blog!
Melody :)

Monday, September 14, 2015

In the Moment

So this week at my school we have just begun the week of Homecoming. It's a blast! We get to dress up silly everyday, have a pep rally and football game and of course a dance! I have always looked forward to it but after this whole week ends, I get really sad. It's all that excitement and anticipation that all of a sudden goes down the drain. I needed to take one day at a time. Even long before Homecoming week started I was looking forward to this week. I dreaded everyday before this week just wanting to get it over with. So, I missed out on all the blessings that were there in those days I dreaded. So live in the moment! Don't keep looking ahead and miss out on what the Lord is blessing you with TODAY. I know it's something that I need to work on BIG time. I need to be thankful for what I have been given today and not take it for granted.

Thankful for you all!
Melody :)  

Friday, September 11, 2015

Letting it All Out

So I had a really high expectation for today. I thought it was gonna be an awesome day filled with my favorite things: music, acting and shopping to find the perfect Homecoming dress. Well, that didn't exactly happen. Choir went fine but after that my day went down hill. I got down really fast and just didn't want to deal with school, or really people in general. As soon as one thing went wrong, I let it ruin my whole day. But what I didn't take the time to realize, was that it's not that my day went wrong, it was that God had a different plan in mind. I still had choir, I still went shopping but I just didn't find a perfect dress, and I still hung out with some of my best friends. But because I had my own expectations of the day, I didn't let God do the job of planning it out for me, so I got disappointed. 
Let God do the daily planning of your life. You might need to be a little flexible. But didn't Jesus take some time for you?

Have a great weekend!
Melody :)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Journal

So today I decided to write what has been going on in my life, how it's affecting me and what I'm doing about it.
I don't typically want to get personal online, but this idea popped into my head and it just might be what God wants me to write today.

Lately I have been really stressed out about school. It seems like I have homework in at least three of my classes every night and I'm not really used to that much extra work on top of fitting in family, friends and down time. In fact last week I had a little anxiety attack at school (if I mentioned that in an earlier post, sorry). I was so stressed out and I felt like I was failing at everything. On top of that, that boy I mentioned in my crush post.Yeah well, I still like him and I have been letting him make or break my day depending on if he talks to me or not. That's really bad and I can't let that happen. Relying on something like that will just leave me in a dark pit. I need to let Jesus fill those voids. I need to go to him when I feel like I just can't do it or when I need someones love and affection. Because I know that God always loves me and thinks I am an amazing person. I don't need that from anyone else. Remembering that is the only thing that will help me. The past couple of days in my theology class at school, the Lord has been speaking to me so much. We have been reading from Philippians and it has been talking about comfort and letting Christ work through us. Also, in Chapel on Tuesday, the pastor talked about that when we are going through hard times, that's when He strengthens our faith the most. He also is testing on if we will turn to Him or if we will try and fix our problems on our own. He has been talking me through what has been going on in my life good and bad, and I have felt His presence even more then ever! I know the Holy Spirit is working in my heart big time, and I can't wait to see where it takes me!

Blessing on your weekend! In HIS love,
Melody :)

Godly Friendship

Sorry I haven't posted in few days guys. My time has been taken over by school, friends and some down time. But I'm back and I have wanted to write about a real, Godly friendship for a while. 

The Lord has blessed me with some amazing friends and lots of them. I have best friends that are from school, a different school and who are home schooled. They are all different and that's what a like about them. Some on them and really funny but yet understanding, some are just plain funny and brighten up your day kinda people and some of them are the wise, thinkers. Sometimes it can be hard to learn how to accommodate a friend with a different personality. But that's why God gave them to us! There are certain times when I need a specific friend with different traits depending on what I'm going through. We need to respect those differences and be thankful for them. I mean, come on. Do you really want to hangout with yourself all the time? But to maintain a friendship, it takes the right kind a attitude and want. You need to be selfless and be there for your friends. If there is a person you feel like you don't or can't do that with, maybe you shouldn't be as close of friends. You need to give Godly advice, pray for your friend and strengthen each other in your faith. Have those sometimes, awkward conversations about faith of marriage and stuff. Talk about the important things and see where each other stand. Be someone they can trust. This is huge. Trust is so easy to break and so hard to gain. Don't go talk about them behind their back or lie to them. Don;t be a gossiper, because in turn that just shows them that you will do the same to them. But most of all, just be there for them. Let them know you are there and that they can trust you. That's what will make you a true friend!

Have a blessed day friends!
Melody :)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Dealing with Stress

So I started my Junior year in high school about three weeks ago now, and even on the second day I was overwhelmed. I had all of the books that could fit in my backpack plus more, everyday. Well after two and half weeks of that, I had enough. Last Wednesday I had a melt down at school. I had a mini anxiety attack and I felt like I couldn't get it all done. I went to my friend ( She has a blog: Depressed But Blessed. Check it out!) and just spilled everything out to her. I felt alone. I felt like I had to do everything on my own. But I didn't. God was right there with me to help me get through it and to comfort me. I just forgot that. God never leaves our side like Satan might tell us. It's us that leaves His side. We stray away thinking we have life all under control, but soon find out we don't. We can't do life on our own because of our sinfulness. Luckily, God gives us the comfort we need in His word. Even when we do act like idiots and do life on our own. 

I would like to share a couple verses that I found about comfort in case any of you need it today or any other day. :)
Isaiah 40:1-2 "Comfort, comfort my people says the Lord, God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem and cry to her that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned, that she has received from the Lord's hand double her sins." 

Psalm 6:1-3 "Oh Lord rebuke me not in Your anger, nor chasten me in Your wrath. Be gracious to me, oh Lord, for I am languishing; oh Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. My soul also is sorely troubled.

But You, oh Lord, how long?"

Peace and comfort in His grace,
Melody :)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

God's Kind of Marriage

In His Word, God is very particular about how He wants marriage. First off, He speaks against homosexuality in 1 Timothy 1:8-10 and clearly doesn't like that idea. Secondly, He speaks to how husbands and wives should love each other. Wives need to be shown love a different way than husbands and husband need to be shown love a different way then wives and God shows us how we can do this. In Ephesians 5:22-24 it speaks to wives and how they should submit to their husbands because husbands should be the leader of the household. Just like God gave Eve to Adam in the garden at the beginning of creation to help him, so also wives submit and help their husbands. Just one verse later God tells husbands to love and honor their wives like Christ loved the church (us Christians). When you think about it, that's a lot of love. Christ died for His church, so does that mean a husband needs to be willing to die for his wife? YES! But something my Dad pointed out to me (he and my Mom do some marriage ministry at my church) a husband should also live for his wife. Put her first and treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Protect her not only with his life but with his words and teach her how to live as a daughter of the King. A husband and wife are a team. They need to give all of themselves to help and strengthen each other. Not for their own benefit. In marriage vows it says that the spouse will take care of that person in sickness and in health. To love them through good and bad times. There isn't anything in those vows for them self is there? So why do so many people get married for their own good? One of my theology teachers told me that you need to find someone  that you want to fulfill, that you want to help strengthen in their faith. To be there for them in everything. So look for that person and marry them for the right reasons and have a marriage according to what God says.
Have a blessed night everyone!
Melody :)

Monday, August 31, 2015

Oh Those Silly Boys!

So as you might be able to tell by the title, this post is gonna be all about boys. Liking them, dating them and yes...marrying them. Now I have never actually been in a relationship before (pretty proud of that for the most part) but I have had my fair share of crushes. Sadly to say, at most points in my life from about age 13-now, there has been some boy on my mind. Now I say sadly because I don't really need to be focused on finding "Mr. Perfect". God (hopefully) already has him picked out for me. I do need to keep my eyes open though. I don't want to hate on every guy that comes my way. It's really good to have friends that are guys. One of my BEST friends is a guy. I tell him everything and I have been really blessed by God to have a friend like him in my life. But it's when we obsess over a guy, or just get really attached that we run into problems. I, myself I have just had this happen to me just the other week. I really liked a guy from school who treated my super well and who I thought (after getting to know him for a while) that he was a lot of what I wanted in my "Mr. Perfect". I got very attached and tried to take matters in my own hands. I tried to get him to like me and want to date me. But why did I if God already has someone in mind? I shouldn't have to try. Plus, something I heard from a book I read called Crushed by Jesse Minassian ( gotta read it!) a girl should let the guy pursue her. Not the other way around. You are worth so much and a guy should have to prove that he is worth your time and eventually your promise as a wife...FOR LIFE! (I will talk about marriage more tomorrow). Anyways, when I finally realized that I was annoying this guy and that he didn't like me like that, my heart was broken. I let my emotions go too far and got hurt and that was my own fault. Ladies, PLEASE be careful when you start to like a guy. Don't get too emotionally involved and get your heart broken like I did. You're worth more than that! Be patient and God will have your "Mr. Perfect" come at the most perfect moment when you're probably not even suspecting it! <3
Blessings to all, Melody :)

Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's My Purpose?

So like I said yesterday, today I will talk about the purpose that God has for us. Have you ever thought "why am I here? What is my purpose in life?" Well from a Biblical perspective that's simple: to share the saving message of the Gospel to those in need of it. Now if you're like me, you might be like: What!?!? I can't do that. I am super quite, shy and there is no way I am going to get rejected by talking to someone cos' I'm a Christian. Well luckily, God have blessed us with different ways of fulfilling His purpose. For me it's standing out in the crowd by making different choices not in accordance with the world but with the will of Christ. I still struggle with this however, I mean come on, I'm a sinner. Not saying that gives me an excuse to fail because  I have the choice to make the right decision or not. I have to constantly ask God to help me make the right choices. Because without Christ at the center of my life, my everything, I WILL fail. It is not what I do that reaches out to people and touches their heart, it is what the Spirit does through me. So hopefully that takes a weight off your shoulders :) So make it your goal, everyday to do your best to fulfill God's purpose. We will fail, we will endure prosecution, of every kind. But that's the least we can do for someone who hung on a cross for our sin-filled love and devotion. 
Your sister in Christ, Melody :)

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Getting started!

Good evening everyone! So I thought I posted this on my first day, but I didn't. So here is what was supposed to be my first post. Oops!
 As a young woman, living in this world full of expectations on who to be and what to look like and who to date, it's really gets to me sometimes. Those ideas are just pounded in my head and sometimes I do believe I'm not good enough. I mean look at me! I haven't even had my first boyfriend. I must be weird and ugly, right? NO! Christ tells us in His word that we are made in HIS image. Created for His work in this wonderful ( though infested with sin) world of His. We are fearfully and wonderfully made ( Psalm 139:17). Please don't forget that. If you're a guy or a girl, know that you are one-of-a-kind, beautiful/handsome and made for a purpose ( I will talk about that whole purpose thing tomorrow). So live with the confidence of being Christ's child, made in His most beautiful and perfect image. Hope you have been blessed through this  post today!
In HIS love, Melody :)