Saturday, October 17, 2015

Take a Little Time

Sometimes it's hard to find the blessings of this life in all he stuff that goes on weather good or bad. In all the business  of the day we can hardly set aside a second for a breath let alone some time to think about the little things that go in a 24 hour day. But when we have those super full, stress-filled day, we need to take a couple minutes and think about those little ways the Lord never fails to provide for us. I mean, come on, Jesus died on the cross and spent His whole life healing and witnessing for others. Nothing He did was for Himself. The least we can do is thank Him for our daily bread that He never fails to give. I know that when I think of just three blessings a day, my perspective changes, I am not as selfish, I am more positive and have a different outlook on how my day really was. Even if I had a so-called horrible day, when I think about those few blessings, my day doesn't look so bad. God is always there and never doesn't know what we need in a day. All we need to do is take a little time to thank Him for it.

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