Sunday, October 4, 2015


My Pastor, today preached on divorce. He used the passage from Mark 10, specifically verses 1-16. In this passage Jesus was being asked by the Pharisees what He thought about divorce. As my Pastor said, Jesus answered their question with another question. Jesus asked them what Moses had taught them. Well Moses didn't make the most wise choice by letting the Israelite's divorce. Jesus answers them with that same thing. That Moses was wrong to let them do that. Jesus refers back to Genesis when he says "that a man shall leaves his father and mother and be untied to his  wife and they shall become ONE flesh...what the LORD has joined together, let no man separate."  
Divorce is a very ugly thing. One of my best friends is going through it right now and the pain, and hurt, and sadness she has to go through is unimaginable. Divorce is a very selfish thing. It breaks apart families. I have heard from some divorcees that they believe the divorce will be good for the children. That's a HUGE lie. Just ask any child who has gone through it and they will tell you that it was hell (pardon the language). Children need BOTH parents in the home. They need that foundation otherwise later on in their life they won't know how to do marriage the right way. 
In Ephesians 5:23-29 Paul reminds the Ephesians of how Christ has established marriage like He and the Church: Ephesians 5:23-For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior. Ephesians 5:29-For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. Can you imagine one day Christ just saying "I don't feel like taking care of the world so I am going to separate Myself from them"? That is technically what divorce is. When you get married, you don't just promise to your spouse or the people at the ceremony. You promise to God. The One who defined marriage. Now that is one promise we need to keep. "Marriage is not contract or something we take lightly" (marriage litany). 
Now I can't just leave you with law law law. After all, the law is nothing without Gospel. So in the last verses of Mark 10 (13-16) Jesus reminds us that those who have committed the sins of divorce and adultery are still loved and forgiven! In fact, those people need Christ's love more then anything. For them to repent, they need to know that they are not hated, they are loved and already forgiven. They can turn their lives right around and start new. Christ's grace gives us that second chance and to do life His way the next time around. So for those of you who have made these mistakes. You're forgiven and redeemed by your Creator in Heaven! He loves you all so much. For those who are victims, hang in there. Christ has you in the palm of His hand and He will not let you fall!

Peace and love to you! Thanks for over 400 page-views. I can't believe what the Lord has done with this blog! Melody :)


  1. Aw Mel. I'm crying. You're so sweet. It is very hard. Extremely. Parents should not be assigned days of the week. It's ridiculous. Love youuuu!

    1. Oh I didn't mean to make you cry! You're right, parents shouldn't!
