Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Today is the start of a very important part of the Church year. The beginning in fact. Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. A time when we, as Christians remember and rest on the fact that we are sinners in need of a Savior. 

By ourselves we are enemies of God. Completely separated from Him. The sad reality is that that is what our sinful nature strives for. If you ever wonder why we can't just stop sinning, it's because that is who we are: sinners. However, God calls us to be perfect in His sight ( Matthew 5:48 ) , but how can we be if we are corrupted with sin? Does God even understand that? Even if we think we are 70% perfect and that that is a good amount, that is like saying we are good enough, we don't need a Savior. It's a constant circle; sinning again and again, becoming desensitized to it and lying to ourselves and thinking we are "good enough".

Despite our arrogance and disobedience to God, His love for us surpassed that and He chose to send His Son, giving Him the job of dying on a cross. Think of that; living to die for those around you. Does that appeal to you? Would you die for your enemy? Someone who lied to you, made fun of you. I know my answer would be no. I will straight up honest about that. Luckily Jesus did. Imagine that! Just rest on that love for a moment.....Isn't that the most amazing thing you have ever heard!? It's still hard for me to comprehend. So when we do sin, we repent. That shows our love for Christ and what He has done for us. Repentance is a fruit of our faith, the biggest evidence actually. 

I hope you enjoy this season of Lent. So not be wary in your sin but repent and rejoice in the never failing forgiveness of that you Lord and Savior grants to you each and every day.

Mel :) 

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