Monday, April 11, 2016

Open Your Eyes

I want to start off with apologizing for not posting in such a long time. To be honest, I haven't had good ideas for a post. I am really excited for today's post though! Hope you enjoy it :)

I went on a mission trip to New Orleans last summer with my youth group. Our main mission was to open our eyes to the people around us. Even though Hurricane Katrina came over ten years ago, there is still a lot of hurt and damage in that city and that week we saw a lot of it. Some of the worst.

You would think that our mission would be to help and change others who were in need there. In a way it was, but I changed as a person that week.

I started off the week by just wanting to help. I looked down at the people we saw and worked for. I felt pity on them, yes, but I also felt superior to them. I thought I had it better and I never wanted to imagine being them for one minute. 

I couldn't picture being without all of my nice things: having a safe place to lay my head at night, knowing that I would go to school the next day, be fed at least three times a day and to have more than enough clothes to wear. 

The more we talked as a group, though, each night, the more each day I changed my outlook on the world. Instead of judging or feeling superior, I felt equal to them. We are ALL children of God. Sinners in need of a Savior.  

The truth is, the people that I encountered each day were amazing people. They had so little, yet they were some of the richest in joy and contentment. By the time the week ended, I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to go back to a world were nothing was enough. Where everyone was self-centered and rude and discontented. Where negativity is the normal way to respond. 

That week in New Orleans, Christ opened my eyes to the people around me; His people, people just like me. People just like you.

Have a great week! In His love,
Melody :)

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