Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hard Work

Acts 20:35 "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”

When it comes to working now a days, it seems like some people always look for the easy way out. They don't want to work hard, but yet they still want the benefits of the hard work. Well, God tells us here in Acts that working hard is a way to show Jesus we love and care about Him. He has given us all gifts to use to and for His glory. When we don't do our best, we are wasting away the gifts given to us. It would be as if a dear friend gave a a gift, but we decided not to use it because it was too time consuming, or hard to use. Using our God-given gifts to the best of our ability is what we ought to always do. 
I have been struggling with this lately. Mostly when it comes to school work. I want to honor my teachers, not waste their time and do well in their class. But when I decide to do other, less important things other then homework, I suffer the consequences and I put myself down. I have told myself that I am stupid and that none of my teachers like me because I have a bad work ethic. Well, that fact-of-the-matter is, it really doesn't matter what the letter on the top of my test or assignment says. Yes it is nice of course to get that B or A. But the reality is that all the Lord cares about is that you are putting all you have into your work. In school grade cases, if that's a C or B, that's good enough for Him. In non-school cases, be proud of the work you do with all you have. Thank God for giving you those gifts and that time. You will feel much better when you do!

Melody :)

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