Friday, March 25, 2016

It's over and done

Today is Good Friday. The day that Jesus was beaten, nailed on a cross and died as a crucified Savior.  Today was the day when all of our sin was washed clean. Forgotten. Forgiven. Forever.
 ‘The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’ ”  Luke 24:7  

This is what had to be done for our salvation. For the Son of Man to be lifted up and offered as a perfect sacrifice for many. His sacrifice was out of the love He had for us. The pain-for us, the blood-for us.  This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.  Matthew 26:28. 

Our salvation has been paid for. There is nothing left for us to do except to take Jesus into our hearts as our Savior. 

In His promise, we have the hope that just as He rose from the dead, so too will we along with our loved ones who have gone before us be raised.
We have the occurrence that on the Last Day we will be with Him in paradise. 

Sorry this was a shorter post and that I haven't written in a while. I don't think this message really needs a lot of words. It's simple. Jesus loves you, He has a plan for you. Part of that plan was to die for you.

Blessings to you all this Holy week,
Melody :)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

The Power of Prayer

So it's been a little bit of a crazy and overwhelming week. It seemed to me that life was getting a little bit easier for me and I had been more happy and joyful then I had been in a long time. Then all of a sudden, the hard news started rushing in.

On Monday night my Aunt called crying. My cousins had found my Grandma lying on the floor. She had fallen the night before and couldn't get up. She is paralyzed on both sides. I was in shock and since we didn't know how bad it was ,we (my family) hoped that she wouldn't live through the night. 

I couldn't picture being without my Grandma so soon. I didn't want her to leave yet, but I knew that if Jesus wanted her home, that's the way it had to be.  
Being so scared for my Grandma's life, I did the only thing I could think to do and that was to call my best friend Bekah. I barley said anything and she told me she was on her way over. She ran in my room and hugged my hard. She didn't say much, but what she did say was the best thing " have you prayed yet?". She was right. I immediately started to pray and so did she. I could hear her whispering to not take me Grandma yet. Exactly what was in my mind. I know that God used Bekah for me that night.  

I felt a peace after we prayed. I knew that Jesus heard me and He had me and my Grandma and my whole family in His arms. Everything was going to be alright. 

Then on Tuesday I found out that a dear women in my life has cancer. Nothing can really be done and  there is no telling how long she will live. I couldn't understand why God would allow all of this hurt and sad news to fall upon me in such a short amount of time. Then my mom told me the attitude of my friend. She was joyful and content. She knew the Lord would take care of her, even if that meant to take her to her eternal home.

I thought to myself that if she, the one with cancer could find joy, certainly I could. I prayed that I could trust God to give me peace through the rough stuff. He did. 

Lastly, before Lenten worship last night I had one of my lows. I leaned over to my mom to tell her that I was about to cry and I didn't know why. I started balling in the church balcony. Church was about to start and the devil decided he didn't want me to worship my God. So my mom prayed over me. She prayed for peace and comfort to come on me, for me to find joy in worshiping my God. Again I felt peace. I wasn't all fine and dandy after the prayer, it took sometime to be OK again. But I knew the Lord was hovering over me and I was in the palm of His hand.

Prayer is such an amazing gift God has given to us all. We can talk to Him about anything at anytime. We can have a one-on-one conversation with him anytime we want. Go to God in happiness, sadness or stress. He wants to hear your voice and help you.

Your sister in Christ,
Melody :)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Dating-It's Purpose

So it's a little ironic that I would be the one to write about the purpose of dating and how to date because I have never had a boyfriend or really gotten too close to having one.

I have had my fair share of crushes over the years and some were definitely more serious then others. But I have been taught valuable lessons from my parents and siblings as well as observing my friends who have been in and out of relationships. 

Dating now a days is definitely very popular and it can distinguish what kind of person you are; if your popular, pretty, sporty, smart etc. Dating almost places you in certain levels on the social status. If you aren't dating someone, that can bring you down. You might think to yourself "What's wrong with me? Am I ugly? Do I need to work out more? ( that one is me for sure) Do I need to bump up my grades?". Tons of things come to mind when we do or don't have that significant other.

Sadly, one thing that rarely comes to mind when people are looking for a relationship is the purpose of that relationship: to find the person God has called you to be with, serve and serve with and love and to cherish for the rest of your life. 
Dating has become a game to see if we can get the hottest, sportiest, smartest boyfriend or girlfriend in school. Or worse yet, who can we get in bed with the fastest. What fun is that??

Datings ultimate purpose is for finding that spouse that you will be with till the day you die (no pressure or anything). We should be discerning in who we choose to date. What are they like? Do they meet what is the most important to you. Moreover, are they a Christian?? 

It's hard to not say yes to anyone who wants to go out with us. But think about it; do you want fast, or forever? (shout out to the eHarmony commercial :) ) 

So make a list of what you want in a spouse, and don't settle for anything less!

Have a Great day! God's blessings :)